Create an innovative learning environment.
A success story from Mühleberg.
The Mühleberg school has around 300 pupils from kindergarten to year 9, two school buildings, a gym, a sports ground, a day school, a library and a youth centre.
A remarkable digital transformation has taken place at our school over the last five years.
We already use iPad devices in kindergarten to make lessons interactive.
Renate Kauz
School Mühleberg
An interview with Renate Kauz.
How has the Mühleberg school developed digitally lately?
A remarkable digital transformation has taken place at our school over the last five years. Instead of blackboards with chalk, our classrooms are now equipped with interactive screens. Projectors have also become standard in the subject rooms. But this is just the beginning.
We already use iPad devices in kindergarten, which are stored in practical trolley cases. These mobile units make it possible to bring the iPads into the classroom when required and to organise interactive lessons.
From Year 5 onwards, MacBooks are used, which are provided in a 1:2 configuration. These modern devices enable pupils to familiarise themselves with the latest technology and develop digital skills. We firmly believe that modern and contemporary teaching is unthinkable without digital tools.
In Cycle 3, all students have a personal MacBook at their disposal. This allows students to further develop their digital skills and utilise the full potential of such a device.
We are creating an innovative learning environment in which our students can develop their creativity, strengthen their problem-solving skills and prepare themselves for the challenges of the digital world.
What considerations led to the decision to use tablets/MacBooks at school or in lessons?
From Year 5 onwards, we deliberately use MacBooks/laptops to optimally prepare our young people for the future. Compared to iPads, laptops offer more extensive use of Office 365, which can be an advantage for teaching and secondary schools. They also promote digital literacy, are ideal for digitised teaching materials and enable individual support for learning difficulties.
A contemporary education for a digital society.
How did you come to work with DQ Solutions?
We won the co-operation with DQ Solutions by successfully participating in a public tender.

«A remarkable digital transformation has taken place at our school over the last five years.»
What role(s) does DQ Solutions play at the Mühleberg school?
DQ Solutions is an indispensable partner for the smooth running of our school activities and enables us to provide our teachers and students with the best technical working environment. As our 2-level support partner, DQ Solutions plays an important role at Mühleberg School. The support and services are professional and very valuable. If we cannot solve technical problems ourselves, DQ supports us efficiently and promptly. This is the only way to ensure that we can rely on a stable and reliable IT infrastructure.
Do you also use services from DQ Solutions?
Yes, we use various services, but these are limited to 2-level and 3-level support. We have deliberately chosen their expertise in these areas as they offer high quality and reliability.

How does the Mühleberg school manage the numerous iPads? Is an MDM used?
Yes, we use the MDM tool Filewave, which is provided to us by DQ Solutions. Filewave is really great and makes it much easier for us to manage the devices centrally. It allows us to solve simple problems on our own, which saves us time and effort. We are very pleased with the support we receive from Filewave and DQ Solutions and appreciate the efficiency and ease of use of the tool.
Has teaching changed through the use of tablets? Has it become more individualised, more exciting, more creative? What new possibilities have opened up?
For us as teachers, preparing for the lessons became more challenging. We had to learn new skills, especially how to use special apps and the necessary expertise. Our goal as teachers is always to be better than the learners. The variety of apps available sometimes creates a real overstimulation - it is difficult to make a good choice. Nevertheless, we endeavour to make lessons more individual, exciting and creative.
Is the use of technology changing the way we learn and teach?
No, learning must still take place with the pupils. However, technology supports us with its versatility.
What were or are the challenges for the teachers?
One of the main challenges for teachers is to familiarise themselves with various apps and programmes and to use them in the classroom. The selection of suitable digital resources and their effective use are important tasks.
Which apps are used most frequently at the Mühleberg school?
In addition to the apps that are pre-installed on every Apple device, we regularly use a variety of other apps. Quizlet, Microsoft Office 365, Actionbound and Stop Motion are among the most popular. These offer us a wide range of functions and enable us to implement various creative and educational activities in the classroom. This variety allows us to support the students in the best possible way and specifically promote their digital skills.
How do the students deal with the new opportunities?
Pupils react differently to the new possibilities. One challenge is that they are easily distracted on the internet and end up on irrelevant online sites. It therefore requires conscious and targeted pedagogical action to support learners in using digital resources sensibly in the classroom and minimising distractions.
What does the digital future of the Mühleberg school look like??
It consists of expanding teachers' skills and making optimum use of resources. Keywords such as 3D printing, plotting, laser cutting and drawing programmes play an important role here.
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