Lehrplan 21.
The digital entry into everyday school life.
With the introduction of Lehrplan 21, digitalisation is now also making its way into Swiss elementary schools. New tools open up almost limitless, exciting possibilities and opportunities for learners and teachers. Teaching is becoming more individual, creative and colourful.
The introduction of digital media is a considerable challenge for many a school.
As Apple Solution Experts for the education sector, we support teachers and educational institutions in the implementation and use of digital technologies. A project often stands or falls with the careful and competent planning and implementation of a project. Our many years of experience in the education sector and our collaboration with innovative and tech-savvy educators make us an ideal and reliable partner.
In complex everyday school life, you need tools and solutions that simply work.
We offer you everything from a single source – from planning to the realisation of your school vision, the sale of hardware and software, various financing models, to further teacher training by our Apple Professional Learning Specialists. For all your questions and problems, you have a contact person who will help you immediately and competently.
Rely on a professional partner like DQ Solutions. We will help you develop a solution for your needs and turn your school vision into reality. Together, we take a step into the future.